Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn
Consultation has concluded
Between 2019 and 2020, thousands of community members shared their aspirations for Cockburn, to help us develop our 10 year vision.
Our 10 year vision makes up our Strategic Community Plan. This plan outlines our objectives for the decade ahead.
We are updating the objectives in the Strategic Community Plan and we want your feedback to make sure we got them right.
What our community has told us so far
During the 2019 and 2020 consultation process, our community told us it was important for Cockburn to be:
A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment andContinue reading
Between 2019 and 2020, thousands of community members shared their aspirations for Cockburn, to help us develop our 10 year vision.
Our 10 year vision makes up our Strategic Community Plan. This plan outlines our objectives for the decade ahead.
We are updating the objectives in the Strategic Community Plan and we want your feedback to make sure we got them right.
What our community has told us so far
During the 2019 and 2020 consultation process, our community told us it was important for Cockburn to be:
A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment and provides local employment.
A vibrant, healthy, safe, inclusive and connected community.
A leader in environmental management that enhances and sustainably manages our local natural areas and resources.
A community focused, sustainable, accountable and progressive organisation.
A growing City that is easy to move around and provides great places to live.
Next steps
We used this insight to develop objectives for the next 10 years in Cockburn. We are updating these objectives and want your feedback to make sure we got them right.
- View the proposed objectives here
Do the proposed objectives reflect what is most important for Cockburn's future? Have we missed anything? Is there anything else we need to consider? Please read the proposed objectives and let us know what you think.
Feedback closes 4pm Friday 4 June 2021 | |
Complete the feedback form Consider the most important areas for us to focus on in the next 10 years in Cockburn:
| |
Write a submission Email us at [email protected] with the subject Strategic Community Plan Objectives: Submission. | |
Ask a question Do you have a question about the Strategic Community Plan? Post it on the Q&A board below. |
Project Update: June 2021
Share Project Update: June 2021 on Facebook Share Project Update: June 2021 on Twitter Share Project Update: June 2021 on Linkedin Email Project Update: June 2021 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Thank you for your feedback!
The City of Cockburn would like to thank everyone who shared their feedback on the proposed changes to the Strategic Community Plan during the minor review process.
A copy of the feedback received can be found in the Document Library.
We have taken into consideration the feedback provided to make final changes to the Plan.
The reviewed Plan will be presented to Council for adoption at the Special Council Meeting on Thursday 24 June 2021 at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the City of Cockburn Administration Building (9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood). A copy of the agenda is available on the City of Cockburn website here.
The Special Council Meeting is open to the public.
Project Update: May 2021
Share Project Update: May 2021 on Facebook Share Project Update: May 2021 on Twitter Share Project Update: May 2021 on Linkedin Email Project Update: May 2021 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Have your say on the proposed objectives
Between 2019 and 2020, we heard from over 2,000 Cockburnians who told us what they would like the next 10 years in Cockburn to look like.
Our community told us they would like Cockburn to be:
- A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment and provides local employment.
- A leader in environmental management that enhances and sustainably manages our local natural areas and resources.
- A vibrant, healthy, safe, inclusive and connected community.
- A growing City that is easy to move around and provides great places to live.
- A community focused, sustainable, accountable and progressive organisation.
We used this insight to come up with our Strategic Community Plan. This plan outlines our objectives for the next 10 years. The plan was finalised and adopted by Council in mid-2020.
We are currently proposing some minor updates to the objectives in the plan.
We want to make sure the objectives reflect what our community thinks is most important. Please view the updated objectives and let us know if we have got them right by completing the comment form. Feedback closes 4pm Friday 4 June 2021.
Project Update: October 2020
Share Project Update: October 2020 on Facebook Share Project Update: October 2020 on Twitter Share Project Update: October 2020 on Linkedin Email Project Update: October 2020 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The future of Cockburn is shaping up nicely, thanks to your help.
Our Strategic Community Plan, the 10 year vision for Cockburn, was adopted by Council at the July 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. Click here to read the plan.
The purpose of the Strategic Community Plan is to set our strategic vision. It is an aspirational document that will guide everything we do.
The plan was inspired and guided by the Cockburn community. Developed over 10 months, the plan included two phases of community consultation. Over 2000 people provided input through interviews, listening posts, workshops, presentations, surveys and submissions.
Based on the community’s feedback, the plan sets out five key outcomes:
- Local economy: A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment and provides local employment.
- Environmental responsibility: A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment and provides local employment.
- Community, Lifestyle and Security: A vibrant, healthy, safe, inclusive and connected community.
- City Growth and Moving Around: A growing City that is easy to move around and provides great places to live.
- Listening and Leading: A community focused, sustainable, accountable and progressive organisation.
Our Corporate Business Plan sets out the major projects, activities and priorities that will help us achieve the objectives of the Strategic Community Plan. You can find out more on the Corporate Business Plan here.
It is important the Strategic Community Plan continues to reflect our priorities, values and needs as a community so we’ll be checking back to review the plan in 2022.
Project Update: May 2020
Share Project Update: May 2020 on Facebook Share Project Update: May 2020 on Twitter Share Project Update: May 2020 on Linkedin Email Project Update: May 2020 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Thank you for your feedback
In mid-2020 we shared the draft Strategic Community Plan for comment to check we got it right.
Over 3000 people visited the plan online and 71 people shared feedback. Most respondents (68%) were satisfied with the draft, whilst 18% said they were unsatisfied and 14% were neither satisfied nor unsatisfied.
What respondents said they liked about the draft plan was that it identifies admirable objectives; displays a strong commitment to residential, industrial and commercial growth; has a strong environmental focus; and addresses a variety of areas.
What respondents said they would like to improve was information on how the 10 year vision will be achieved and measured.
Feedback is being considered as we make last changes to the plan, before presenting the final version to Council in July.
Quick Facts
All local governments are required to have a Strategic Community Plan (SCP)
SCPs are a high level document which outline the long term vision, values, aspirations and priorities of a local government.
The SCP sits above all other documents in the hierarchy and establishes a direction for everything we do.
SCPs are aspirational and directional, so do not include specific actions or indicators. Actions are covered in lower hierarchy, operational documents like the Corporate Business Plan.
What Cockburn will look like by 2030
25% population increase to 150,000
21.6% increase in 0 to 4 year old age group
42.9% increase in over 65 age group
approximately 59,954 dwellings
one and two person households will be the dominant household
Project Lifecycle
Community Consultation
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn has finished this stageOver 2,000 people provided their views and vision for the next 10 years in Cockburn, through:
- community workshops
- listening posts
- community sun-downer events
- face-to-face meetings
- online surveys
- emails
- group discussions
Major Review of Strategic Community Plan
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn has finished this stageUsing community feedback, a new vision was set for the decade ahead in Cockburn. A draft Strategic Community Plan was developed.
Draft Adopted by Council for Advertising
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn has finished this stageThe draft Strategic Community Plan was presented to Council for consideration. The draft was adopted for the purpose of seeking further community feedback to check we got it right.
Draft Open for Comment
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn has finished this stageThe community are asked to share their feedback on the draft Strategic Community Plan.
Plan Adopted
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn has finished this stageFollowing community feedback, final adjustments are made to the plan. The plan is presented to Council for adoption. Council approve and adopt the Strategic Community Plan.
Proposed Update to Objectives
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn has finished this stageMinor updates to the Strategic Community Plan are being proposed. Click here to view the proposed updated objectives.
Proposed Update Open for Comment
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn has finished this stageThe proposed updates to the objectives are open for community feedback. We want to ensure the updates reflect what is most important to our community in Cockburn for the next 10 years.
Plan Adopted
Our 10 Year Objectives for Cockburn is currently at this stageFollowing community feedback on the proposed revisions, any necessary modifications are made. The final plan is presented to Council for consideration and adoption.