
Between 2019 and 2020, thousands of community members shared their aspirations for Cockburn, to help us develop our 10 year vision.

Our 10 year vision makes up our Strategic Community Plan. This plan outlines our objectives for the decade ahead. We are updating the objectives in the Strategic Community Plan and we want your feedback to make sure we got them right.

Did you know?

  • All local governments are required to have a Strategic Community Plan (SCP).
  • SCPs are a high level document which outline the long term vision, values, aspirations and priorities of a local government.
  • The SCP sits above all other documents in the hierarchy and establishes a direction for everything we do.
  • SCPs are aspirational and directional, so do not include specific actions or indicators. Actions are covered in lower hierarchy, operational documents like the Corporate Business Plan.

What our community has told us so far

During the 2019 and 2020 consultation process, our community told us it was important for Cockburn to be:
  • A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment and provides local employment.
  • A vibrant, healthy, safe, inclusive and connected community.
  • A leader in environmental management that enhances and sustainably manages our local natural areas and resources.
  • A community focused, sustainable, accountable and progressive organisation.
  • A growing City that is easy to move around and provides great places to live.

What Cockburn will look like by 2030

  • 25% population increase to 150,000.
  • 21.6% increase in 0 to 4 year old age group.
  • 42.9% increase in over 65 age group.
  • Approximately 59,954 dwellings.
  • One and two person households will be the dominant household.

Have Your Say

There are plenty of ways to get involved and share your thoughts! Feedback closes 4pm, Friday 4 June 2021.
  • Online

    Complete the feedback form below.

  • In writing

    Email us with your feedback!

  • Ask a question

    Post it on the Q&A board below.

Next steps

We used this insight to develop objectives for the next 10 years in Cockburn. We are updating these objectives and want your feedback to make sure we got them right.

  • View the proposed objectives in the Document Library

Do the proposed objectives reflect what is most important for Cockburn's future? Have we missed anything? Is there anything else we need to consider? Please read the proposed objectives in the Document Library and let us know what you think.


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