
The City has been working on ways to strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This includes the adoption of the City of Cockburn Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The RAP identifies the development of an Aboriginal Cultural and Visitors Centre as a key priority for the City. It couples the need for a visitors centre to service the area, with a way to connect to Aboriginal culture.

It is envisaged the centre will showcase Aboriginal and specifically Wadjak Nyungar culture, to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. The centre will provide an opportunity to share stories and Aboriginal culture through workshops in tool making and spear/boomerang throwing, art displays, music and dance performances, interpretive displays with timeline stories and hands-on activities.

It is also envisaged that the adjoining bushland and diverse range of native animals in the area could be used for educational nature bush walks and cultural tours. The centre will include a café, visitors information service and an outlet to sell local arts and crafts. The Visitors Information Service will provide information about local tourism activities, attractions, and experiences.

Feasibility Study

A $15,000 grant was secured in 2011 by the City to conduct a feasibility study. Extensive research, community consultation and stakeholder engagement were done with the Aboriginal and wider community to determine the feasibility of the project. Recommendations were made on the:

  • Feasibility of the centre;
  • Preferred operational and management model;
  • Preferred location (Progress Drive, Bibra Lake opposite the playground in a sandy and mostly cleared area);
  • Capital works cost of the facility;
  • Operational income and expenditure budget of the facility.

Read the full feasibility report here.

Development of Draft Concept Design

In January 2019, the City engaged Holton Connor Architects & Planners to design the centre, based on the research and input from the Aboriginal and wider community.

The City would like to thank the Aboriginal Elders, Aboriginal community and wider City of Cockburn community that provided their input to help shape the draft design of the Perth Metropolitan’s first ever purpose built Aboriginal Cultural and Visitors Centre. The City is now pleased to present the draft Concept Design for your viewing:

The draft Concept Design is planned to be presented to Council for endorsement at the February 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. Following endorsement, the City will seek to secure and finalise funding for construction to commence in 2021.

    • In person: Attend the Community Information Session on the draft Concept Design on Thursday 12 December 2019, between 4:30pm and 6pm at Spearwood Library (9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood).
    • Phone: 9411 3444
    • Email: [email protected]

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