
The City of Cockburn understands that for many, dogs are more than just pets - they're family. We also know how important it is to have safe spaces nearby where you can take them.

Dog parks are great for letting dogs engage their natural instincts, socialise with other dogs and people, and burn off energy in a safe, open environment.

The City would love to hear from you about the possibility of constructing a fenced dog-exercise area at Radonich Park, Beeliar. This park was chosen because of its distance from existing dog parks, ensuring that most residents are within a 3km catchment of an off-leash area.

If a fenced dog-exercise space is supported, it will cater to all dog breeds and sizes and align with the community's needs and preferences.

We would like your feedback about Radonich Park's suitability for a fenced dog-exercise area and what equipment you want to see to make it a fun space for your dog!

Have Your Say

  • Online

    Complete the survey below.

  • In Writing

    Email: [email protected]

    Post: City of Cockburn. PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC WA 6965

  • For More Information

    Read the Frequently Asked Questions or

    Call 08 9411 3444 or

    Email [email protected]

Other Fenced Dog Parks in Cockburn

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