
Project Update: July 2022

18 March 2022

Community consultation complete

In late 2021, the City prepared a draft design for Beale Park. Community and key stakeholders were invited to view the design and share a third and final round of feedback.

As part of this process, the City held a community drop-in session at Beale Park and updated the project website. The project team also delivered a presentation to the local residents association and met with key stakeholders such as the Cockburn City Soccer Club.

Feedback was invited in person at the drop-in session, and via online feedback forms, hard copy feedback forms, email, meetings and over the phone.

What Our Community Said

The City received 17 submissions on the draft design. The draft was generally well supported, with 11 respondents saying the plan supports their needs and those of the community who use Beale Park. Two respondents were unsure if the plan meets theirs and community needs, while four feel it does not.

Positive feedback included the design revisions to minimise vegetation removal (draft design will salvage 46 trees compared to original high level concept plan) and various site amenities such as bike racks and playground infrastructure.

Suggested improvements subject to site and budget constraints included:

  • Better use of drainage sump area;
  • Enclosed dog exercise area;
  • Alternative location for clubroom (slightly further south-west);
  • Retain existing community buildings instead of using for parking space;
  • Additional parking;
  • Additional trip-end facilities;
  • Additional landscaping and tree planting (particularly in bare patches);
  • Additional space / lockable cages for mopeds, e-scooters and bikes; and
  • Coaches room.

The City also received suggestions outside of the project design scope such as community eateries, street lighting, bus stop reinstatement and traffic calming on adjacent roads. A summary of the community engagement process and feedback is available on this page's Document Library.

Feedback has been considered and responses to these suggestions are also detailed on this page's Document Library.

Community consultation on the design has now concluded. The City thanks community members and key stakeholders for helping to shape this important project.

Next Steps

Mitigating environmental impacts remains a key priority for the project team. Following positive feedback in the latest round of consultation in respect to vegetation removal, designs are being referred to the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment for review.

Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 the concept will progress through the appropriate procedure.

Progress on the design will be made where possible and other relevant approvals will be sought. Construction won’t occur until all necessary approvals have been obtained.

Future updates on the project will be available on the City of Cockburn website or by contacting the City on 08 9411 3444.