
Project update: June 2023

29 June 2023

Thank you for your feedback

We recently asked nearby residents their views about extending the Beaumont Parkway footpath along the remainder of the street.

The City received feedback from 25 people during the comment period in May 2023. Thank you for having your say.

What our community said

  • About two-thirds (68%) of participants walk or ride along Beaumont Parkway at least once or twice a week.
  • The feedback about extending the footpath was divided. Around 40% of respondents consider it somewhat or very important, while 56% find it unimportant or very unimportant.
  • Most respondents (56%) are satisfied with the level of amenity for pedestrians, the top reason being the street's relatively quiet environment and low levels of vehicle and pedestrian activity.
  • Around 28% of respondents are dissatisfied with the level of amenity for pedestrians, the top reason being safety and lack of accessibility for people with mobility restrictions.
  • One respondent or their family member who uses a wheelchair noted having to take a longer route to school due to the existing conditions.
  • When asked about the impact of a new footpath, the top response was that it would enhance the street’s safety and accessibility. However, some respondents expressed reservations about losing Council verge space, as they consider it part of their front yard.

For more information, read the Community Feedback Summary in the Document Library.

Next Steps

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about pedestrian infrastructure on Beaumont Parkway. We appreciate your input.

Consultation has concluded and the City is reviewing the community’s feedback. Key findings will help us decide whether to extend the Beaumont Parkway along the rest of the street.

Should the City proceed with extending the footpath, a budget will be requested at the Special Council Meeting in June 2024. If the budget is approved, the City will contact residents closer to the time of construction in the 2024/25 financial year.

For further information, please contact the City at 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].