The City of Cockburn has drafted a five-year Bushfire Risk Management Plan. Before finalising the plan, the City is seeking community feedback on the draft. The City will consider the community's feedback, alongside the State Government guidelines and legislation when finalising the plan.
The plan must meet the Department of Fire and Emergency Services quality assurance review before proceeding to the State Government's Office of Bushfire Risk Management for final approval.
About the draft plan
Local governments in areas with significant bushfire risks must prepare a bushfire risk management plan. The plan's purpose is to establish a collaborative approach to addressing bushfire risks. It does this by providing a framework that:
- Identifies assets in Cockburn with significant bushfire risk
- Outlines the treatments needed to reduce these risks
- Identifies who is responsible for the treatments.
Due to the dynamic nature of our urban and natural environment, bushfire risks are constantly evolving. The plan is therefore flexible and will change over time. Bushfires cannot be eliminated from the landscape, and there are circumstances when fire cannot be controlled. However, planning and preparedness activities can reduce their frequency, spread, and impact. Bushfire preparedness is a shared responsibility, and only by working together can we reduce the impacts of bushfires.
Read the draft plan
- Online - Download a copy from the Document Library
- Hard copy - Collect from a City of Cockburn Library (Coolbellup, Spearwood, Success) or Administration Building (9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood).
Have Your Say
Submit your feedback via the feedback form below or ask us a question on the Q&A board below.
Complete a hardcopy feedback form (available at City of Cockburn Libraries and Administration Building), or submit your feedback, name and address via email to [email protected]
Chat to us at our pop-up:
Thursday 27 July, any time between 4-6pm at Success Library (11 Wentworth Parade, Success).
For more information or assistance, please contact the City's Community Safety and Ranger Services Team at 08 9411 3444.