The City is preparing its latest Community, Sport, and Recreation Facilities Plan. This plan outlines what facilities (over $500,000) our community needs now and in future years, including:
- Libraries
- Arts and cultural buildings
- Sporting facilities, reserves, and club rooms
- Community centres and halls
- Skate parks, BMX, and pump tracks
- Specialised community buildings (e.g. Men's Sheds, Seniors Centres, Youth Centres, Cockburn ARC, Surf Life Saving, etc.)
The plan does not include:
- Transport infrastructure (e.g. footpaths, bus stops, road and cycle networks etc.)
- Streetscapes, local parks and open spaces (e.g. dog exercise areas, park furniture, playgrounds, beaches, bushland etc.)
- Community services (e.g. waste management, community events, etc.)
- Urban planning, businesses, and services (e.g. shops, restaurants, childcare centres, residential developments, etc.)
- State-owned facilities (e.g. schools, Police, health services, public transport, power infrastructure etc.)
For more information please read the Frequently Asked Questions.
To read the previous Community, Sport and Recreation Facilities Plan visit the Important Links section.
What we need to consider
By 2041, Cockburn's population will be around 40% larger than it is today. As we grow, we face numerous planning challenges. Together with our community, the City needs to consider ways to:
- Identify and prioritise facility needs so we can deliver the important things sooner
- Plan for projects in a fiscally responsible way so we can meet current and future needs
- Share our limited spaces more effectively so we can accommodate the different and sometimes competing needs within our community
Your feedback will help us to understand community needs better. After the feedback period, we will prepare a draft plan. This process considers the community feedback we receive alongside a demographic analysis, needs assessment, provision guidelines, town planning documents and other technical criteria.
Have Your Say
Drop a pin on the map below to share your feedback and ideas
Complete the survey below or collect a hard copy from a Cockburn library (Coolbellup, Spearwood, Success)
Post in the community conversation forum below
Chat to a team member at one of the following locations
- Saturday 11 March, 9am-3pm – Cockburn Gateway Shopping City (near Australia Post)
- Thursday 16 March, 9am-noon – Success Library
- Thursday 16 March, 4-7pm – Cockburn ARC
- Tuesday 21 March, 9am-noon – Spearwood Library
News Feed
The Survey has now concluded.