Beale Park is one of Cockburn's major soccer facilities. The park is classified as an active sporting reserve, servicing the community's formal and informal recreation needs.
The City commenced planning in 2018 for a site upgrade. The $20m budget includes a $1 million grant from the State Government.
Community feedback was sought from site users and residents to inform a design for the upgrades. The City took a three-phase approach to engagement, with the master plan released for community feedback and endorsed by Council in 2018. Community feedback was sought on progressing the design of the play equipment, public artwork, and park furniture in 2020, and in 2021, the City prepared a concept design for Beale Park, guided by prior consultation findings, tree studies and site and project constraints. Visit our engagement project page for the full engagement lifecycle and our summary of key findings.
The City is now currently progressing the development application for the redevelopment of the Beale Park clubrooms and playing fields, based upon the concepts established in the adopted master plan. Comments on this application are invited from the community.
About this application
The design has the following characteristics:
- Increased active open space (seven senior soccer pitches)
- New sports floodlighting across the reserve
- A new centrally located clubroom facility with six unisex change rooms
- Increased storage
- A new rationalised car park.
Further plans and details can be viewed in the Document Library.
About the assessment process
The City of Cockburn is incorporating the concepts established in the Beale Park Masterplan into a development application and now invites you to make a comment.
Community feedback is open for this application until 4pm, Friday 21 March 2025. Once the advertising period has closed, the City will evaluate and review any comments provided.
The application will then be determined shortly afterwards, and an update of the determination will be provided.
Make a submission
Complete the submission form below.
Email: [email protected]
Post: City of Cockburn, PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC WA 6965
Please include:
- Reference number DA24/0956
- Details of your submission
- Your name and address