
Project update - May 2023

30 May 2023

Thank you for your feedback

The City of Cockburn, with help from our Disability Reference Group, has been working on a plan for a more accessible and inclusive community.

Following consultation with over 280 people of all abilities in late 2022, we recently prepared and released our draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan for a final round of feedback. The project page received 270 visits during the comment period between April and May 2023. Eight people submitted feedback and three people visited our pop-up at Success Library. Thank you for your input.

What our community said

  • Most respondents (62.5%) are satisfied with the draft plan, compared to 28.5% who reported being neither satisfied or dissatisfied. One person (12.5%) did not specify their level of satisfaction.
  • The draft received a positive reception overall and respondents expressed satisfaction with most aspects.
  • One proposal in the plan that respondents particularly favoured was the inclusion of ‘employment opportunities’.
  • While most respondents said they wouldn't change anything in the plan, four respondents suggested amendments. These include:
    • Services and facilities for people with loss of hearing,
    • Removing 'Disability' from the title of the Disability Access and Inclusion Officer role,
    • Acceptance of companion cards at City-run events, and
    • Further accessibility improvements within the built environment (e.g. adjusting height of buttons, addressing pavement irregularities etc.)

Next steps

Thank you for sharing your feedback on our draft plan to improve access and inclusion in Cockburn. The City has considered the community’s comments and is now finalising the plan with help from our Disability Reference Group.

The City will then present the final plan to Council for consideration and adoption. We will publish the approved plan on the City of Cockburn website when available.

For more information, please contact the City's Family and Community Development Team at 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].