
The City of Cockburn has received a planning application for a Local Centre at 1000L Berrigan Drive, Jandakot. Comments on this proposal are invited from the community.

About this application

The proposal has the following characteristics:

  • An IGA Supermarket with a Gross Leasable Area (GLA) of 1000m2 (operating 7 days a week from 7am to 9pm)
  • Two speciality retail tenancies
  • A health/wellness tenancy
  • Three food and beverage tenancies
  • A bistro/tavern (operating seven days a week from 11am to 10pm on weekdays and 11am to midnight on weekends)
  • A liquor Store (operating seven days a week from 9am to 7pm)

The proposal also features a courtyard/piazza along the southern entrance and a landscaped seating area (parklet) at the north-west corner. Further plans and details can be viewed in the Document Library.

About the assessment process

The City is not the determining body for this application.

At the end of the advertising period, the City will collate community comments and prepare a Schedule of Submissions. The City will assess the application, considering the submissions and planning framework before making a recommendation to the Metro-Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel (MOJDAP). The MOJDAP will decide the outcome of this planning application.

A Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is an independent decision-making body comprised of technical experts and elected local government members. These panels determine development applications made under local and regional planning schemes in the place of the original decision maker. Visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website for more information.

Make a submission

Submissions close 4pm, Friday 31 January 2025.

Complete the submission form below.

Email: [email protected]

Post: City of Cockburn, PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC WA 6965

Please include:

  • Reference number DAP24/010
  • Details of your submission
  • Your name and address
Please advise if you would like your details to remain confidential.

Visit a Planning Officer at the City of Cockburn Administration Building (9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood) during business hours or contact us at [email protected]