
Project update: September 2020

3 September 2020

Thank you for helping to shape our cats and dogs plan.

What Our Community Said

The draft Animal Management and Exercise Plan was released for comment through August 2020. The project page was visited over 4000 times and we received over 700 responses through our survey and written submissions. Here is a snapshot of the survey responses:

  • Over 75% support responsible dog ownership initiatives, such as more Rangers and public education programs
  • Over 75% support improvements to signage and dog exercise parks
  • There are differing opinions on where dogs should be allowed on or off-leash, however there are constraints with Woodman Point being a dogs permitted area, such as disruption to nesting Fairy Terns and conflicting management orders
  • Over 70% support feral and domestic cat management initiatives, such as controls in conservation reserves and a review of laws
  • Over 60% support technology initiatives to manage animals, such as geo-fencing and solar powered lights at dog parks

What Happens Now?

The plan is being reviewed in light of feedback from our community, key stakeholders and animal management experts.

A revised plan will be presented to Council for final approval at the 10 September Ordinary Council Meeting. A copy of the agenda will be available on the City's website a week prior. You will find it here.

For more information on this project, please contact the City of Cockburn on 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].