
Project Update: July 2022

7 July 2022

Council has adopted the Annual Budget 2022-23

In a year when the nation is facing high inflation, rising interest rates and increased construction costs, the City’s rates continue to be some of the lowest in Perth. At the same time, we continue to deliver ratepayers value for money through high-quality services and facilities.

Council met on Thursday 23 June to consider the draft capital works budget and differential rates proposed for 2022-23. A decision was made to:

  • Adopt the 2022-23 Annual Budget, and
  • Adopt the following differential general and minimum rates on Gross Rental and Unimproved Values:

General Rates

Rate in $

Improved Residential


Vacant Land


Improved Commercial and Industrial


Commercial Caravan Park


Rural General Improved


Rural Vacant Land


Specified Area Rates

Rate in $

Specified Area Port Coogee Special Maintenance


Specified Area Cockburn Coast Special Maintenance


Specified Area Port Coogee Waterways


Specified Area Bibra Lake Sewer Stage 1


Key features of the capital works budget

The City will deliver $50.8m on improvement projects across the City including, but not limited to:

  • Hammond Road, Success duplication (between Branch Circus & Bartram Road) - $11.2m
  • Smart LED streetlight replacement - $12.06m
  • Roadworks - $2.81m
  • Coogee Beach Masterplan - $1.44m
  • Park upgrades - $1.324m
  • 16 playground renewals - $0.492m
  • Urban Forrest Plan (shade cover in Cockburn) & streetscapes - $1.1m
  • New & upgraded bike and walking paths - $1.21m
  • Parking upgrades at Cockburn ARC - $0.478m
  • Resident group projects - $0.435m

To find projects happening in your neighbourhood visit the What's Happening in My Suburb page on the City of Cockburn website.

As a sensible response to the prevailing market conditions the City has deferred several capital works projects originally expected for delivery in 2022-23. Costs for capital works projects are coming in at between 25% to 50% higher than previous estimates, substantially increasing the total cost of the project. Deferring projects until market conditions become more favourable is financially prudent when managing ratepayer funded projects.

More information

Contact the City of Cockburn on 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].