When will the draft budget be approved?

    The draft Capital Works Budget will be presented to Council for consideration at the Special Council Meeting in June. A copy of the agenda will be available on the City of Cockburn website prior to the meeting. 

    How are capital works projects funded?

    The primary source of funding for capital works is revenue from property rates, either raised in the same year or saved into financial reserves to smooth out year to year rates increases. 

    The City also generates significant funding for certain capital projects from developer contributions in accordance with approved plans. 

    Also, both federal and state government funding is actively pursued and secured for significant road, building and park development related projects.

    Finally, the use of borrowings is conservatively used where projects are able to generate a return to repay the debt.

    What is the draft capital works budget?

    The City’s draft capital works budget contains planned spending for the year on new assets, as well as the renewal or upgrade of existing assets to maintain high service levels to the community. It is subject to adoption by Council in June 2022.

    How is the draft capital works budget formed?

    The draft capital works budget takes direction from the City’s Strategic Community Plan objectives and specifically delivers upon commitments contained within the City’s Corporate Business Plan and Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP). A number of other plans and strategies feed into these including:

    • Community, Sport & Recreation Facilities (CSRF) Plan, 
    • Public Open Space (POS) Strategy, 
    • Integrated Transport Strategy, 
    • several site specific master plans (e.g. Bibra Lake, Coogee Beach, Manning Park),
    • various asset management plans and strategies (e.g. roads, footpaths, drainage, parks & environment, buildings).