
The City of Cockburn has prepared a draft design to slow traffic on Healy Road between Rockingham Road and Carrington Street. Before finalising the plans, the City wants to hear your feedback on the draft.

What we heard so far

In 2021, the City invited Healy Road residents to have their say on making the street safer. Participants identified improvement opportunities and treatment ideas through workshops and an online mapping exercise.

The City received over 80 suggestions, with most respondents noting vehicle speeds as their primary concern. We received diverse and conflicting views about treatments. However, the most suggested treatments by participants include speed humps, pavement markings, and various types of slow points. There was a desire among respondents east of Hoskins Street to retain the existing road conditions.

About the draft design

Alongside site and budget constraints, the draft design considers the community's feedback and includes the following treatments:

  • Seven speed humps
  • Three additional slow points
  • Two pavement artworks
  • Street trees or low garden beds along two corner verges
  • No changes east of Hoskins Street.

Initially, the City’s plan involved installing temporary fixtures like pot plants and bollards to calm traffic, which received funding from the RAC. Upon further community feedback, the City committed to refining the design to better align with community expectations. Recent Council funding has allowed us to develop a revised design with permanent treatments.

View the draft design in the Document Library.

Have Your Say

We want to hear from you! Feedback closes 4pm, Wednesday 30 August 2023.
  • Feedback Form

    Complete the feedback form below or collect a hardcopy feedback form from Spearwood Library or call 08 9411 3444.

  • In person

    Chat with us at one of our community drop-in sessions at Spearwood Library. Tuesday 15 August, any time between 4-7pm OR Wednesday 16 August, any time between 9am-11am.

  • Online Boards

    Pin the map, share your ideas, or ask us a question on the Q&A board below.


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