Where is the Boodjar Mooliny Reserve jetty?

    The Boodjar Mooliny Reserve jetty is located near Kevin Bowman Reserve off Kotisina Gardens in the suburb of Lake Coogee. View the location  map for more information. 

    When will the Boodjar Mooliny Reserve jetty be removed?

    The jetty is closed for use until removal is complete. The removal is expected to take place in June 2021.

    What is non-negotiable?

    The jetty will be removed as it is no longer in a serviceable condition. 

    We are seeking community feedback to guide how we retain what the community values about this space. Any plans may be subject to Council approval, budget and other relevant assessments. 

    To deliver outcomes, budget may need to be sourced in future financial years.

    What feedback are you seeking?

    We want to hear your memories of this jetty, what you most enjoy about this space and your ideas on what could be done so this remains a place the community enjoys visiting after the jetty is removed. 

    Outcomes may be subject to future budget, other planning considerations and Council approval. 

    What will happen after the jetty is removed?

    We are seeking input from the community, which along with budget constraints and other planning considerations, will help the City to plan what happens after the jetty is removed. 

    Outcomes may be subject to future budget, other planning considerations and Council approval. 

    To deliver outcomes, budget may need to be sourced in future financial years.