
The City of Cockburn wants to hear the community's views on the idea of public toilets and/or a fenced, or partially fenced, dog park within Macfaull Park. Your input will help us to understand community needs and will inform the decision-making process.

If either project proceeds to the next step, we will prepare a draft design for community feedback to help us get it right. Please note that no decisions have been made at this time.

About this project

Macfaull Park is a 'neighbourhood-level' public open space. Neighbourhood-level parks are often large (10,000-15,000m²), central to the neighbourhood and accessibility friendly. These spaces have good passive surveillance and pedestrian and cycling connections. Existing features at the park include:

  • Disc (frisbee) golf course (refer to the map in the document library)
  • Picnic settings
  • BBQs
  • Half-basketball court
  • Dog pouch stations
  • Fitness equipment
  • Playground.

The City is considering whether public toilets should be available at the park. Toilet facilities are often included at neighbourhood-level parks because they help to promote inclusivity and accessibility.

The City is also exploring the community's views on installing a dog park somewhere within the park. Macfaull Park is a dog off-leash exercise area, and the whole park will stay that way, even if the City were to build a new dog park. Dog parks are often fenced or partially fenced, including features like agility equipment, waste disposal stations, and drinking fountains (see examples in the photo library). Having a fenced dog park within Macfaull Park would mean most of the City’s residents live within a 3km catchment of a dog park (refer to the map in the document library).

Have Your Say

There are plenty of ways to get involved and share your thoughts! Feedback closes 4pm, Monday 16 October 2023.
  • Online

    Complete the feedback form below, or share your solution on the conversation forum below

  • In writing

    Grab a hardcopy feedback form from Spearwood Library or write to us at [email protected]

  • In person

    Chat with us at one of our community pop-ups. See the dates and locations below

  • Phone

    Contact the City of Cockburn on 9411 3444 during business hours


Newsfeed Update

Feedback form

Pop-up chats

Chat with us at a pop-up:

  • Spearwood Library, Tuesday 3 October 2023, any time between 3-6pm
  • Macfaull Park* (near the carpark), Saturday 7 October 2023, any time between 9am-12noon
*If there is heavy rainfall, we will move the pop-up to Spearwood Library.

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Community Conversation

Join the conversation.

Toilets Conversation - Share your solution

Consider some of the diverse perspectives within the community and help identify a solution. A carer of a child with a disability, who loves the sensory playground, would like toilets so they can enjoy their stay. A resident living next to the park fears adding toilets may attract anti-social behaviour to the neighbourhood. A disc golfer with a medical condition has asked for toilets, as they often have to cut their disc golf games short due to lack of amenities.  A park visitor says that adding toilets could create an odour and be subject to vandalism.  A family with young children would like toilets so they have a safe and private place to change nappies and deal with toilet accidents.  A new resident explains toilets might attract too many people to the park and wants it to stay as is.

Dog Park Conversation - Share your solution

Consider some of the diverse perspectives within the community and help identify a solution. A resident living in a nearby apartment says they would like a dog park so their dog can socialise and learn new activities in a controlled open space. A new resident is concerned about potential noise, excess dog excrement and over-crowding at the park. A dog owner who uses a wheelchair says the closest dog park is 6km away and would appreciate one closer to home. A park visitor is unsure about a dog park, explaining that some owners are too complacent in fenced areas and get distracted by their phones rather than watching their dogs. A resident says many families will benefit from a dog park as not all dogs are comfortable off-leash in an open area. They say Macfaull Park has ample space to accommodate dog park, without compromising existing uses. A disc golfer says dogs and frisbees are not the best mix and would like dogs kept away from the disc golf course.  Share your solution below.