
Project update: June 2023

7 July 2023

Thank you for your feedback

We recently asked for your thoughts about boats and jet-skis near the Coogee Maritime Trail. We heard from nearly 250 people and organisations. Thank you for having your say.

What our community said

  • The vast majority of respondents visit the trail to swim, snorkel, and walk along the beach. Boating and fishing user groups were in the minority of respondents.
  • The majority of respondents (72%) do not support the trial of moorings in the existing 8-knot boating zone. They believe this will negatively impact swimmer safety.
  • The majority of respondents (77%) support the City advocating for the Department of Transport to remove the 8-knot boating zone. They believe this will enhance swimmer safety.
  • There is a divergence in opinions between boat users and non-boat users.
  • Boat users are more inclined to support a trial of moorings in the existing 8-knot boating zone compared to non-boat users. They believe this will improve swimmer safety by providing a safe mooring location and protect the seabed from anchors.
  • Boat users are more likely to oppose the City advocating for the Department of Transport to remove the 8-knot boating zone, compared to non-boat users. They believe the current exclusion zone of 100m from shore is a sufficient distance from swimmers, and the 200m exclusion area is excessive and impractical.

For more information, view the Community Feedback Summary in the Document Library.

Next steps

The City is preparing a report which will be presented to Council at a meeting in third-quarter 2023. This report will summarise the consultation findings and recommend the next steps, including whether to lobby the Department of Transport (DoT) for changes to the boat and jet-ski areas. The DoT is responsible for boating regulations, so the City cannot implement the proposals outlined in the consultation without DoT support.

More information

Contact the City's Coastal Management, Policy and Planning Team at 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].