
Project update: March 2022

9 March 2022

Thank you for your feedback!

Considering community feedback from late 2021, the City prepared a draft design for Minori Park. To check if we got it right, we released the draft design for further feedback in February 2022.

Residents around the park were contacted via letterbox drop, signage was installed on site and an e-newsletter was sent to the local residents association.

Around 50 people visited the Comment on Cockburn page and five people shared their views on the draft. The City received three feedback forms, one email submission and one phone submission during the comment period.

What we heard

  • The concept design was generally well received, with all feedback form respondents (three) noting they were satisfied with the design;
  • There were mixed reviews about the proposed half-basketball court. While some respondents favoured its inclusion, others raised concerns about loss of green space, potential noise impacts and its proximity to households; and
  • Minor amendments to the lighting locations were suggested via the phone submission.

Thank you to everyone who shared feedback.

Next steps

A final design has been prepared considering feedback from both consultation stages, project constraints and the available budget. View the final design in the Document Library here.

Key changes in the final design include:

  • Soccer goals (to replace the previously proposed half-basketball court)
  • Minor solar lighting adjustments

Works are expected to be complete by mid-2022. For any further queries or updates please contact the City on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].