
Project Update: February 2022

11 February 2022

Following community consultation in late 2021, a feedback summary was compiled and presented to Council for consideration at the 10 February 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting. To view the feedback summary and meeting agenda, visit the City of Cockburn website here.

Key consultation findings

  • The survey attracted 1,986 responses, of which 1,682 self-identified themselves as Cockburn ratepayers.
  • When presented with four options (3 options with a proposed dog on-leash area and 1 option without a dog on-leash area), 67% of respondents preferred an option with a dog on-leash only section of the beach.
  • Overall, there was greatest support for Option A (200m of Chelydra Point Beach, which is currently dog prohibited, and up to 400m of the southern end of C.Y. O’Connor Beach dog exercise area). 63% of respondents support this option, and 45% prefer this option.
  • When responses were weighted to reflect dog ownership in the general population, 60% of overall respondents prefer to have a dog on-leash only section of the beach along the coast.
  • Option A is preferred for six principal reasons:
    1. The safety and comfort of on-leash dogs and beach users.
    2. Some dogs can only be exercised on a leash, such as anxious and reactive dogs.
    3. Dog owners want more flexible options for exercising their dogs.
    4. This area of the beach can be delineated more clearly to avoid conflict between on-leash and off-leash dogs.
    5. This area provides sufficient space.
    6. It is the fairest option to accommodate all types of beach users.


In line with the consultation findings, Council voted to establish a new on-leash dog beach at the following location:

  • 200m of Chelydra Point Beach (Lot 2161 McTaggart Cove) and 400m of the adjoining southern end of the C.Y. O’Connor Beach dog exercise area. 

The change will come into effect on 14 March 2022 following an advertising period.

To ensure the beach is enjoyed by all and community members comply with the on-leash requirements, Council has approved additional funds to install extra Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in the area. Additional signage, delineation markers and ranger patrols will also be implemented.

For more information visit the City of Cockburn website.