What are the key areas of the draft capital works budget?

    The 2020-21 draft capital works budget proposes $51.2 million in projects across the City of Cockburn.

    This includes:

    • Buildings: $19.5 m
    • Parks & Environment Infrastructure: $6 m
    • Marina Infrastructure: $5.6 m
    • Plant Replacement: $5.08 m
    • Plant New: $332k
    • Software & Computers: $680k
    • Public Artworks: $80k
    • Roads Infrastructure: $7.7 m
    • Footpaths/Bike Path Network: $2.25 m
    • Drainage: $843k
    • Landfill - Infrastructure - $3.14m

    Where is the funding for capital works sourced?

    Capital works projects are funded mostly through government, developer contributions and rates.

    When will the draft budget be approved?

    The draft Capital Works Budget for 2020-21 will be presented to Council for consideration on 23 July 2020.

    How are budget items identified?

    Many of the City's major projects are identified through the City's long term planning processes. The City has a range of long term Strategies and Plans that guide priority upgrades to assets over a period of time, for example long term asset management plans. There are also several strategies for the development of new community assets, for example the Community, Sport and Recreation Facilities Plan.

    These Strategies and Plans may be developed based on a variety considerations such as population forecasts, gap analysis, research and input from key stakeholders.

    As such, many of the  items you see in the draft budget are likely to have been identified as a priority in existing Plans and Strategies that have been adopted.

    Residents Groups and Associations also have the opportunity to put forward budget submissions to the value of $30,000 for consideration. Where approved, these items have been included in this year's draft capital works budget.