
Project update: July 2023

26 July 2023

At the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 13 July 2023, Council considered this application alongside the public submissions and Officer’s recommendation. Council recommends the Minister for Planning approve this application.

This application will be presented to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for the Minister for Planning’s consideration and a final decision. For more information on WAPC meetings, including agendas, minutes and deputations, please visit the Western Australian Government website or contact the WAPC at 08 6551 8002.

At the meeting, Council also requested a report within 12 months that outlines the resources needed to implement a further Scheme Amendment to complement the Tree Preservation Orders. The objectives of the additional Scheme Amendment are to:

  • Introduce need for Development Approval for the removal or substantial pruning of all trees within the City with some exemptions
  • Align with the potential State Government reforms currently under consideration.

To view the OCM meeting minutes, please visit the Agenda and Minutes section of the City of Cockburn website.