1. How is this policy different to the original sustainability policy?

    The revised policy incorporates content from Policy SC37 – Sustainability with the addition of new principles aligned to the objectives of the City's Community Strategic Plan 2016-2026.

    Much of the content has been remodelled in order to detail a more holistic policy. Reference to the Local Government Act 1995 and the City’s definition of Sustainability have been retained from the background section of the old policy and incorporated into the policy purpose. The integrated reporting framework is now established within the policy purpose, as well as a clear definition of the policy scope as it applies to Elected Members and City employees.

    2. What changes have been made to the original six principles?

    These changes have been applied to the original 6 principles:

    Integrated decision-making – retained with minor changes to text.

    Provide for equity within and between generations – renamed to be more concise and merged with the conserve biological diversity and ecological integrity principle. The new name for this principle is Environmental Integrity.

    Conserve biological diversity and ecological integrity - renamed to be more concise and merged with the previous principle. The new name for this principle is Environmental Integrity.

    Act cautiously when there is a risk of serious or irreversible impacts on the environment or society – renamed as Climate Change Action principle with wording modelled on the WALGA climate change policy.

    Recognise dimensions beyond our borders while concentrating on issues we can influence – removed as the principle is not directly relevant to the scope of the revised policy.

    Provide for broad public involvement on issues that affect society – expanded to include leadership and governance.

    3. What are the 11 new principles?

    • Integrated decision-making - Council will carefully consider both the long and short term implications of all decisions on the local economy, environment, and society.
    • Environmental Integrity - Council will protect strategically identified remnant bushland, wetlands, the coastal environment, ecological corridors and associated eco-systems to ensure the integrity of these systems is conserved and enhanced for future generations.
    • Sustainable Procurement - Council will implement sustainable procurement practices that minimise unnecessary resource consumption, consider whole-of-life costs, and deliver beneficial environmental, social and economic outcomes.
    • Responsible Waste Management - Council will manage waste according to the waste hierarchy with the highest priority given to the prevention of waste, followed by reuse and recycling, with ‘energy from waste’ and landfill as a last resort.
    • Environmentally Sustainable Design - Council will design, build and operate all community facilities and civic infrastructure in a sustainable manner. All new Council facilities exceeding a budget of $1 million will set aside a minimum of three percent (3%) of the total project cost for innovative ESD initiatives.
    • Climate Change Action - Council is committed to taking action on climate change and ensuring that mitigation and adaptation actions are equitable and consistent with the aims of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    • Sustainable City Growth - Council will plan for population growth in accordance with the planning framework to ensure high density living is balanced with the provision of open space, tree-lined streetscapes, connected shared pathways, accessible community facilities and integrated transport infrastructure.
    • Social Equity and Inclusion - Council recognises the traditional owners of the land, embraces cultural diversity and celebrates the significance of the City’s social and built heritage. Council will take action to improve universal accessibility, create welcoming and inclusive communities for everyone.
    • Community Health and Wellbeing - Council will minimise risks to human health by managing the natural and built environment, delivering programs to reduce preventative illness and encouraging healthy lifestyles and active transport.
    • Economic Advancement - Council is committed to long term sustainable financial management and will deliver value for money for ratepayers. Council will strive for a diverse workforce and create opportunities for local employment, support the sustainable development of business and help empower community groups.
    • Leadership and Governance - Council will regularly review its performance, publicly report progress and continuously strive for excellence. Consultation opportunities will be provided to the community and stakeholders on decisions that impact them.