
Project update: October 2022

28 October 2022

Thank you for your feedback

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on lighting at Tangle Park. This project page received over 305 visits during the feedback period and 59 people provided input.

What our community said:

  • At least 97% of participants live in Aubin Grove, and the majority (at least 80%) live within 200m of Tangle Park.
  • Almost all respondents (95%) visit Tangle Park. Many (83%) visit during periods of low light (twilight and night-time), and 78% visit during daylight.
  • Most participants (59.5%) think the City should consider installing lights, whereas 32% do not, and 8.5% are unsure.
  • Perceived benefits of lighting include improved safety and practicality.
  • Perceived challenges with lighting include luminance spillage, carbon emissions, cost, disruption to wildlife and anti-social behaviour.
  • Solutions proposed by residents include using lights that are:
    • Solar-powered light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
    • Set on a timer.
    • Designed lower to the ground (e.g. bollard lights).
    • Installed at a suitable spot in the park.

Read the Community Feedback Summary in the Document Library.

Next steps

Thank you for sharing your views on lighting at Tangle Park. Your feedback is appreciated.

Considering the key findings, the City will request a budget for lighting in the 2023/24 financial year capital works program. The budget is subject to Council consideration and approval at a Special Council Meeting in mid-2023. Should this budget be approved, the City will prepare a lighting design for further community feedback.