
Project update: August 2023

21 August 2023

Thank you for your feedback

To meet the growing needs of our community, the City is currently planning the future of Tempest Park. The first step is to understand our community's needs and then develop a feasibility study. In early 2023, we invited sporting clubs, residents, and community groups to share their vision for the reserve.

What our community said

Around 50 people had their say through our survey, workshops and interviews. Thank you for your input. Some of the top responses include:

  • What do you value most about Tempest Park?
    • Community and historical connections
    • Open space and natural environment
    • High quality and well-maintained sporting oval
  • What do you see as the biggest constraints at Tempest Park?
    • Age and quality of facilities (e.g. club-rooms, changerooms, lighting, carpark)
    • Safety
    • Lack of park furniture and support infrastructure
  • What are your top priorities for Tempest Park?
    • Club-room facilities/changing room upgrades
    • New multi-purpose activity rooms available to the community
    • Improvements to park furniture and support infrastructure

For more information read the Community Feedback Summary in the Document Library.

Next steps

The City is reviewing the community's feedback as we prepare a Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study. This study helps the City understand relevant constraints and opportunities, ultimately suggesting a viable and beneficial investment for City residents and ratepayers. It considers a range of research and factors like demographics, current and future trends, and facility benchmarking and will likely include a draft concept design.

We will provide further updates on the study when available. For more information, please contact the City’s Recreation Services Team at 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].