
Project Update: May 2022

13 May 2022

Council met on Thursday 12 May 2022 to discuss a potential network of formalised trails in a section of Manning Park.

Council voted to defer any decision on trails in Manning Park. It will now consider the costs and timing of biodiversity and environmental evaluations, Aboriginal and European heritage assessments, the creation of a detailed management plan for the upland park area and a structured process for trails development using the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ eight-stage planning process for trails development.

These costs and timings will be presented to the City’s Expenditure Review Committee for consideration by September 2022 at the latest, after which Council will reconsider the matter.

If a management plan for the park is completed as a result of a future Council decision, the City will form a Community Advisory Group to guide and inform the plan and Manning Park’s future management.