
Project update: October 2023

9 October 2023

Thank you for your feedback

Between August and September 2023, the City asked Success residents for their thoughts on the draft design for the new playground.

We heard from 24 residents. Thank you to everyone who participated.

What our community said

The majority of participants (92%) are happy with the draft design, noting the location, use of natural materials, and variety of equipment as their favourite features. The most common response was “nothing”, when asked what changes they would make.

For more information, read the Community Feedback Summary in the Document Library.

Next steps

We are reviewing the community’s feedback, which will help shape the final design.

The next step is to present the design to Council at the 2024 mid-year Special Council Meeting. Council will decide on a budget and if we can deliver the project in the 2024-25 program. Because of rising construction costs, we may need to adjust the design in the future to account for these higher costs.

For further information contact the City’s Landscape and Coastal Projects team at [email protected] or 08 9411 3444.