
Project update: October 2020

19 October 2020

The future of Cockburn is shaping up nicely, thanks to your help.

Our Strategic Community Plan, the 10 year vision for Cockburn, was adopted by Council at the July 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. Click here to read the plan.

The purpose of the Strategic Community Plan is to set our strategic vision. It is an aspirational document that will guide everything we do.

The plan was inspired and guided by the Cockburn community. Developed over 10 months, the plan included two phases of community consultation. Over 2000 people provided input through interviews, listening posts, workshops, presentations, surveys and submissions.

Based on the community’s feedback, the plan sets out five key outcomes:

  • Local economy: A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment and provides local employment.
  • Environmental responsibility: A sustainable and diverse local economy that attracts increased investment and provides local employment.
  • Community, Lifestyle and Security: A vibrant, healthy, safe, inclusive and connected community.
  • City Growth and Moving Around: A growing City that is easy to move around and provides great places to live.
  • Listening and Leading: A community focused, sustainable, accountable and progressive organisation.

Our Corporate Business Plan sets out the major projects, activities and priorities that will help us achieve the objectives of the Strategic Community Plan. You can find out more on the Corporate Business Plan here.

It is important the Strategic Community Plan continues to reflect our priorities, values and needs as a community so we’ll be checking back to review the plan in 2022.