
Project update: September 2020

28 August 2020

At the 9 July 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council considered feedback from the comment period undertaken in April and May 2020. A copy of this report is available in the Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda.

At the meeting, Council made a resolution to:

  • approve the preferred location (north-west end of Omeo Park-Location A) for an amenities building in the north-west area of Omeo Park, that shall be designed to include shade, seating, toilets, disabled access, security measures and other design features
  • include the project for consideration in the 2021-22 budget.

A copy of the meeting minutes is available on the City of Cockburn website.

An architect has been engaged to commence the next steps. This involves developing a detailed design. The City will be seeking further feedback from the local community as the project progresses.