
Project update: November 2023

13 November 2023

The City advertised its revised proposal to enter a major a land transaction for public comment over 44 days in September and October 2023.

What we did

The Local Government Act 1995 sets out the advertising requirements, which include:

  • Two state-wide notices - Published in the West Australian newspaper.
  • Two local advertisements - Featured in the local newspaper, PerthNow Cockburn.
  • Information accessibility - The Business Plan, along with relevant details, was made available on the City's website and the community consultation webpage, Comment on Cockburn.
  • Hard copies - Copies of the Business Plan were available at City of Cockburn libraries and the administration building.
  • Public notice board - A notice was posted on the City's public notice board at libraries and the administration building.

What our community said

The comment period has concluded, and the City did not receive any submissions during the advertising period.

Officers compiled a report summarising this process and its outcomes for Council consideration at their Ordinary Council Meeting on 9 November 2023. After receiving the officers’ report, Council endorsed the Business Plan, and the City will now proceed with the transaction to expand Cockburn ARC. To view the report, visit the Meeting Agenda on the City of Cockburn website.

More information

For more information or future updates on this project please contact the City at 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].