Industrial areas - What does the draft Strategy propose?

    The City’s industrial areas support the economy and provide for key local jobs, and we want to ensure that this continues into the future.  Industrial areas need to be protected as employment areas, with careful consideration given to how non-industrial uses are managed so that they do not jeopardise industrial uses.  

    Walso want these areas to be safe, attractive and sustainable places to work, and the City will be looking at ways to improve this. 

    In 2018 workshops were held with businesses and industrial landowners, and this input was considered in the drafting of the new Local Planning Strategy which is now being advertised for public comment.   

    There was concern from businesses about parking and traffic in industrial areas; desire for infill sewerage in Bibra Lakeand better public transport and access to local services and amenities.  The draft Local Planning Strategy identifies actions to address this, including advocacy for State Government infrastructure. 

    Below is an overview of the key points in the draft Local Planning Strategy for industrial areas (see also Australian Marine Complex Information Sheet): 

    What’s in the draft Local Planning Strategy? 


    Future intent to identify and protect priority industrial land for industrial land uses. 

    • To maximise the local economic and employment opportunities of these areas.  

    • To continue to provide opportunities for non-industrial land uses where appropriate, including supporting uses. 

    Future-proofing industrial areas by considering adaptability, including subdivision, parking and access. 

    • To ensure industrial areas can continue to adapt and provide for industrial land uses over time. 

    Strengthening of requirements for vehicle access and parking in industrial areas. 

    • To ensure safe and functional vehicle movements. 

    • To ensure adequate parking in the right locations. 

    Future investigation of cash-in-lieu for parking in industrial areas. 

    • To ensure provision of adequate and well-distributed parking. with equitable funding arrangements. 

    Lobby for and encourage the provision of an efficient and convenient public transport network. 

    • To improve public transport to industrial areas. 

    • To improve sustainable transport options. 

    High quality, attractive and accessible industrial areas, and identification of intended future character. 

    • To make industrial areas great places to work and visit. 

    • To attract investment and support the growth of local jobs.  

    • To ensure industrial areas contribute positively to the City’s character and urban tree canopy. 

    Explore opportunities for public open space and other local amenities within or accessible from industrial areas. 

    • To improve the amenity in these areas for employees and visitors. 

    Work with government agencies and service providers to undertake full utilities/servicing study confirming infrastructure capacity to cater to growth needs of Cockburn. 

    • To identify infrastructure improvements to support businesses. 

    • To provide better public transport access to industrial areas. 

    • To provide for infill sewerage to support business needs.