What are the proposed changes to Healy Road?

    The City has prepared a draft design to slow traffic on Healy Road between Rockingham Road and Carrington Street. The design is subject to community feedback and includes:

    • Seven speed humps
    • Three additional slow points
    • Two pavement artworks
    • Street trees or low garden beds along two corner verges
    • No changes east of Hoskin Street.

    Why is the City proposing changes to Healy Road?

    The City is responding to resident requests. 

    In 2020, the City applied and received a grant from the RAC to trial temporary treatments, such as pot plants and bollards, to slow traffic on Healy Road. 

    However, additional Council funding has now allowed us to develop a revised design with permanent treatments.

    What community consultation has happened so far?

    To guide the use of the RAC funding, the City invited residents in 2021 to have their say on making the street safer. Participants identified improvement areas and treatment ideas through workshops and an online mapping exercise.

    The City received over 80 suggestions, with most respondents noting vehicle speeds as their primary concern. 

    We received diverse and conflicting views regarding treatments. However, the most suggested treatments by participants include speed humps, pavement markings, and various types of slow points. There was a desire among respondents east of Hoskins Street to retain the existing road conditions.

    The City has prepared the draft design considering the community’s feedback alongside site and budget constraints. 

    What type of speed humps are used in the draft design?

    The proposed speed humps are designed to be more forgiving, allowing vehicles to go over them comfortably at lower speeds. Conventional speed humps are more abrupt and often force drivers to come to a stop to cross them smoothly.

    How does the City decide where to place speed humps?

    The City must prepare the design following the Main Roads WA Local Area Traffic Management Guidelines and Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 8. 

    Multiple factors affect where we can place speed humps, such as proximity to intersections, curves in the road, road crests, and driveways. 

    Is there a need to upgrade the street lighting to align with the road changes?

    The City will review the lighting requirements in line with the applicable standards. If updated lighting is required, the City will liaise with Western Power, the organisation responsible for street lighting.

    What will happen after the comment period?

    The City will consider the community’s feedback alongside the site constraints as we finalise the design. Should the design proceed, the City expects to install the treatments before mid-2024.