
Project update: December 2023

20 December 2023

Thank you for having your say

The City of Cockburn recently asked residents who live near Mamillius Park for their views on additional lighting options for the park.

We received feedback from 50 people. Key feedback includes:

  • Most respondents (90%) prefer having additional lighting at the park, noting it will increase visibility at night.
  • Option A is the preferred design option, with 70% in favour, while 20% prefer Option B and 10% prefer Option C.
  • Most of those who favour Option A note it would provide the most lighting, which is considered important.
  • Those who prefer Option B believe it would provide adequate lighting while minimising any potential impact of additional lighting.
  • Among the five respondents who don't support additional lights, some expressed concerns about the perceived impacts of lighting pollution or feel additional lighting is unnecessary.
  • All 11 respondents who live next door to the park would prefer additional lighting, with 10 opting for Option A and one preferring Option B.
  • Nearly 80% of respondents visit the reserve at least several times a month, with the most popular time to visit being during periods of low light (dawn, dusk, or night-time).

For more information, read the Community Feedback Summary in the Document Library.

Next steps

Considering the community’s feedback, the City will install Option A.

The City expects to install the lights in early 2024 and anticipates work to take up to two weeks to complete. The park will remain open during this time.

For further information, contact the City’s Landscape and Coastal Projects Team at 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].