
Project update: April 2023

3 March 2023

Thank you for your feedback

Between November 2022 and January 2023, the City invited residents and key stakeholders to share their ideas for improving the functionality of Peace Park.

What our community said

The City received feedback from 21 people and several key stakeholders. Thank you for your input.

Key feedback themes were:

  • Lighting and safety – The park is dark and feels unsafe
  • Park furniture – Consider installing a gazebo, picnic setting, or park bench
  • Landscaping – Improve the footpath and consider traditional Japanese garden features
  • Signage, artwork, and sculptures – Strengthen the story and connection to Hiroshima.

For more information, read the feedback summary in the Document Library.

What we did

The City engaged an arborist (tree expert) to assess the park’s trees. The assessment found some of the trees are in declining health due to the thick canopy. Pruning dead vegetation is necessary to improve overall health. Any new tree planting should be limited to the road verge.

Black Cockatoos are known to feed at the site, so improving tree health and supporting a favourable feeding habitat is a key priority.

Officers have prepared a draft design considering the key feedback themes alongside the arborist’s assessment, the budget, and other site constraints.

The design is a draft only, and we invite your feedback before finalising the plan. View the draft design in the document library and share your feedback by 4pm Wednesday 3 May, 2023.

Next steps

After the feedback period, the City will review the comments received and make any necessary changes to the design.

Officers will consider the community’s feedback alongside the project budget, site constraints, future maintenance needs, and other technical criteria. The final design will be published on this page when available.