
Project update: September 2023

19 September 2023

Thank you for your feedback

We recently invited residents to have their say on three lighting options for the footpath in Perena Rocchi Reserve.

What our community said

We received feedback from over 70 people. Thank you for having your say.

  • The majority of respondents (61%) visit the reserve at least once a week and the most popular time to visit is during periods of low light (dawn, dusk, or night time).
  • Option B is the preferred lighting design due to its perceived safety and security improvements, chosen by 92% of respondents.
  • Opinions on lighting brightness (at night when lights do not detect motion) varied, however the most popular choice was a 40% brightness level, favoured by at least 28% of participants.

For more information, read the Community Feedback Summary in the Document Library.

Next steps

Consultation has concluded.

Considering the community’s feedback, the City is proceeding with Option B. We are currently engaging contractors and expect to install the lights in the fourth quarter of 2023. Works will take approximately two weeks with minimal disruption to the reserve.

More information

For further updates and information, please contact the City’s Coastal and Landscape Project team at [email protected] or 08 9411 3444.